Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday Again

Begins one more day in my life...

I just couldn't get to sleep last night. So many things running on my mind and things I don't want to think about. My mind so much contradicts me.I wish I could be unattached like so many people,so unemotional,so cold.Sometimes I wonder if those people would even care if something happened to me. Well I know they wouldn't. Emotions are a mere waste of time for them.

I have thus come to learn a bitter lesson in life-One should never trust anyone blindly.When someone says they care for you;don't buy it.Such people are just toying with your feelings.For them you are just a doll that can be played with when wanted and discarded when they are done with.With age comes experience and wisdom.So I guess I have learnt my lesson. But then I find it so hard to forgive people. I just cant even if I wanted to.I am just so emotional, attached to people I like,so unforgiving, my heart supersedes my thinking abilities.

Conclusion: Analyze people,put them to a hell lot of tests before you trust them blindly.And its hard to forgive people for their errs and let go of their thoughts.But you got to do it.If not your heart will never be able to find peace.Do it for yourself.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Deep very deep, you have wounds that are still healing or just still raw. Take your time in letting them heal. Now there is nothing wrong with being emotional, it sucks being as cold as a rock. Emotions are what drive people day by day......BUT theres a lesson to be learned don't get to attached to people to soon. Give yourself time to get to know the person.....
