Friday, February 13, 2009

13th Feb

Last evening was absolutely fantastic.I had my all time favorite "Tofu-Broccoli" for dinner.But I couldn't concentrate on my book yesterday.My thoughts were so clouded.I just couldn't stop thinking about someone the whole of last night.I have been trying so hard not to and was almost successful in clearing him off of my mind.Let out the secret of who I was thinking of last night-The Cupid.But then again last night.I will let go of it soon. I was just wondering that the thoughts didn't have me pinning for him or having a heartache,it was more pleasant.I wish I had him close to me.I guess all the pre-Valentine's Day air is creating all this emotional stir in me. I just don't have a date for tomorrow. Sucks.Then again I didn't have anyone last years too.I just hate Saint Valentine so much now.

I just feel so peaceful this week.I dont worry so much about life anymore.Just trying to believe in destiny.And guys I went to the salon last evening,got my hair styled.I feel so nice about it.Like PD puts it,you should look good for your own self and not for any other.Thanks for that.

See you tommorow.

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