Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Diaries from My life

So here is my first entry in my official blog.

These days,everyday has been a learning process for me.Every morning brings into my life a new experience, a new understanding.Sometimes I just cant believe if its the same me living in this body. I have noticed that my temper is just settling down, my obsession about so many things are just biting dust. Obsession and desires don't make sense to me anymore; they feel more a waste of my time. Probably its just that I feel they don't top my list of priorities or have I all of a sudden become more patient.Aaah, I wish.

We are not born just to grow up,have a family and have a mundane life. Everyone in this universe is destined for something in particular, we are born not just to live but to learn and grow(intellectually).What have I learnt???Well the obvious answer to this is I don't really know.But then I have come to believe that everything happens for a reason and the reason is always for our own good. I have learnt - love yourself and accept yourself just the way you are.You don't have to be Marilyn Monroe to be a good person. Beauty is not just about your superficial being,its how good of a person you are.Men-those are just creatures that go by 'looks' and appearances. And what do women go for-Attitude followed by again 'looks'.Why?Why is so much importance given to looks? If someone is not wearing an Armani outfit doesn't mean that person doesn't deserve to live. And then again if someone is fat doesn't mean you treat the person like an animal. A fat person has the same set of bones,organs,cells,etc that a lean person has. And a ridicule on a person based on his appearance is the worst of its kind.

Anyway, some things never change.

Today I learnt that "Time just flies by so fast". We do not have as much time in our life as we think.I might die tomorrow or I might live a hundred years. But then what if I die tomorrow.There are so many things I want to accomplish in life.And most of the times, I just procrastinate.But then what If I go to sleep this night and just not wake up tomorrow.Then the task that I had delayed until the next day will never happen. High time to wake up to the reality of life and realize that I should start working on my goals seriously now.

More to come..........

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