Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Valentines Day"

"Happy Valentines Day". I am aware of the fact that the day has already gone.But I am still living in the moment and liking it.I still haven't come out of my dreams.I woke up with a sour mood.Thanks to some highly eccentric people who don't value humanity and concern.Well, well I would rather think about the good times than the bad times;look at the positive aspects than the negative ones;care about my good friends than pay attention to the rotten bunch.

So back to my V-day- I was greeted with a huge hug,a sweet card and a gift. That was so thoughtful.Smiles.I was so taken aback by the surprise.Later that afternoon,I sent across a message across to all the people I know.Well there maybe some people who would have ignored it.But then I am assuming there are some people who would have appreciated it.I only did it for those people who cared, to the ones whom my message meant something.Now coming back to my V-day, I went out for lunch with a bunch of friends.And it was sweet.I mean really really sweet.All of us drove down to the "BIG APPLE", went cruising around the town for three long hours, had a hearty dinner.And then comes the real romantic deal.It was a trip to the the Empire State Building.I had a blast,going to this Irish pub,getting intoxicated and dancing my way through all night.I mean seriously all night.My night ended at the Hudson bay.Oh my my!What a night.

I just wanted to take some lines and thank all the people who I could talk to and wish them;I love you guys and you people really matter to me.And for my friends who I was with yesterday.Loves.You have been so bearing,you people have tolerated my arrogance and complaints all through these years.And hugs and loves to my Valentine,without whom the day would have been so screwed up.I just cant stop raving about it..

Hope people have been as fortunate as me to have their loved ones close to them on this day of love.If not, don't worry,there is always a next time.Trust me its always worth the wait..

Cheers to St. Valentine for giving us this lovely day.And remember its of course just a day but it gives you a golden chance to once again tell someone that you care..

Spread the love.



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