Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb 12th

Yesterday was just a normal day. I have been feeling healthy after so long.My new book keeps me busy.Oh no, I aint writing anything.I have been reading this new novel-Seduction by Design by Sarah Brown.Its a good book and am half way through the book.But I am not becoming no 'Madame Bovary'. There is one thing about me though. I just cant stop being romantic however hard I try.But then again I don't expect a guy to say those magic words every minute or shout it out from a roof top. That is totally not my idea of romanticism.Romance to me is the feeling I get from my lover. To me the idea of having the most romantic time would be wrapped in his arms so tight, away from the world-say on a hill top or a lakeside, any place where its just him and me;and then not speak a word.The silence would be magical-truly truly romantic and highly seductive.

And now coming to the point.My lesson in life yesterday apart from the fact that I am kind of romantic and that my heart yearns love is that its never possible to stop loving someone.But that don't mean you keep begging them to like you as well.Just smile that you lived your life loving that person.If they didn't love you its their loss not yours.They never realized that they have lost on someone so precious..My suggestion to all the broken hearts in the world-Read,read whatever you like to for it keeps you busy for one and secondly in the end even if you didn't win your love's heart, you atleast gained knowledge.Hope that makes sense.

Signing off for now.

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