Sunday, December 28, 2014


I have decided to pen down my thoughts after a really long time.

Why so long you ask-----I just wanted to get away from a lot of stuff that were pulling me down in life.

The hot topic lately is "Marriage/Relationship"- so easy yet so complicated.
The "EASY" part-  Boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy courts the girl, girl relents, they fall in love, get the parents agree and then well happily ever after. Sometimes relationships fail in one of these steps and does not culminate into marriage. But then again the fun is the whole game of uncertainty and overcoming obstacles to get married.

Now moving on to the "complicated" part- "The happily ever after".

This part does not end up like it does in movies. In reality, there is no happily ever after. Its more like' trying to make it work'. Each day is a different. Some days are oh-so-good that you wish it would never end while some days are not. You give up your independence and your closet to someone new. This stranger slowly takes over your life, your schedule, your work, your clothes, your behavior, even your happiness revolves around this single person. Initially its all fun because you have someone to share your daily happenings with and you look forward to coming home. Once the honeymoon period is over- about 2 years or so after the wedding, the romance wears off....the reality sinks in....slowly you start feeling suffocated. What appealed to you about the person earlier starts to annoy you. You start looking forward to time alone or time with friends.

Well this is the story of every married couple- Everywhere.

Romance, Lust, Friendship, Love, none of it lasts forever. The factors that (may) contribute to the longevity of a marriage are understanding, forgiveness, trust and mutual respect. The trick is to take it one day at a time. Reminds me of the movie '50 First Dates'.  Start your day fresh each new day. Concentrate on the person's positives and not their weaknesses (we all have our weaknesses). Build an unshakeable team. Always remember your spouse and you are a team.

The perfect relationship is not where the partners don't fight but one in which fights or egos don't matter at the end of the day. You may fight with each other endlessly but never let anyone come in the way of your relationship. You need to strive everyday to make your marriage running smooth just like any job. Again, our imperfections make us unique and the perfect relationship is one that will work for us and not that will obtain validation from others.

Life is a beautiful and in the end all we all need is a great enjoyable companionship !!

{ "Lets work on making ours a perfect haven for us"}