Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Holly-Bolly Gurl

I am back again..after a real long weekend.It was fun cooking and getting together and meeting new people.That's what I did for the weekend.And then on Sunday, they declared a snow-storm warning in the whole of Northeast and Southeast regions of the US.So stayed home on Monday..It was my Mommy's birthday.So sent her flowers.She didn't really appreciate the effort.But its fine.

And I took pictures in the snow..It was fun.The comments were hilarious..

All in all it was a relaxed weekend.Have fun guys.

More to come.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I am finally getting better now.The weather is getting warmer as well.It almost feels like summer.The weekend is a day away and this time I have no plans.I think I would rather just stay back and relax home.

There was one thing that's particularly pleasing to us humans;we need to be cared. A very old and dear friend of mine called to check if I was doing fine.That was really really sweet. I mean its always nice to hear from an old acquaintance.And then all the talks we had like old times were so heartwarming to me..And then of course my family, getting to hear from them is always pleasant.Just feels like I exist and I am happy and appreciated and cared for. Not enough adjectives to express feelings. And so the suffering (my sickness) brought with it a very good thing-Family and Friends Closer...

I have thought about my future a lot and I have thought that probably this relationship thing and marriage is not for me.I should probably concentrate on my career for now.Men are just such a waste of time.I am never getting married now.All the emotions,the waste of time,resources,everything rests. I am going to try spend my free time with people in this world,who just like me are craving to be cared.But are ignored by the rest of the world."Old people and "Orphans", they just don't have anyone to call their own. A few minutes of our time with them would mean so much to people. We often end up caring about people who don't care a dime for us and we ignore people who just love us to death. We can just leave aside all them people just for like an hour from our busy lives and spend it with these lesser fortunate people.

I hope I make sense in spreading this awareness.

Keep Smiling Always!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscars!!!

My weekend was very boring.I went to the mall on Saturday and just couldn't manage to return the items I had to.It sucks.I brought loads of shirts and had Drunken noodles for dinner.Sunday was relatively slower;I woke up really sick and spent most of the time in bed watching Billoo Barber-waste of time and Dev D.Dev D was a very bold movie-a modern take on the classic Devdas they say.Well I cant argue with the peers,can I?

The best part about the whole weekend was the Oscars!!!SlumDog Millionaire swept off most of the awards.It had 9 nominations and won 8 Oscars.That is something and A.R Rehman won 2 Oscars.Indians couldnt be any prouder.I was glued on to the tube all the while.Cheering for SlumDog the whole time.They say Slumdog isnt an Indian movie because the visionary was an English.For Heaven's Sake, it is all in all an Indian movie,most of the crew in it is Indian(including Anil Kapoor, who acted all dramatic on the red carpet with weird expressions and silly smiles.Danny Boyle could have excluded him from the invitee list.He is such a loser). Well my health is still not in a very sound condition, I contracted a viral infection,so I am going to be lying low for a while.


Friday, February 20, 2009

In Hibernation

I am just too sick.Will start blogging again when I get better and when I have something better to write about.
Happy Weekend!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feb the 19th

Just another day...Slept late,woke up with a sore throat.It sucks..Men are just so superficial creatures and also too selfish..I have vowed to myself to keep away from selfish people that I know,people who just get in touch when they feel so low in life.What when I feel low?How many of those creatures have been there for me?So Amigo Adios..

Also guys I tried Afghani cuisine for lunch today.It tastes awesome and is absolutely healthy.Try it out!!

Lesson: Don't have expectations especially from men.Don't be there for people who cant be there for you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Wednesday

Yesterday I was absolutely brain-drained.I ate,did a few usual chores and slept.I didn't give a thought to anything.I didn't read my book.I just hate it.I had my favorite-Tofu Broccoli for dinner.Orkut is such a waste of my time.I am hooked on to it almost the whole day and end up doing nothing.Addiction of any form to anything is not a good thing.I need to kick up this habit and start diverting my energies to something resourceful.I am addicted to coffee-that's not a good thing either.Coffee is so harmful to the body but I just cant stop drinking it.Infact my day begins with a huge cuppa cold coffee.

Lesson in life:Kick offf this habit of addictions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Week Begins

So yet again I am forced to the mundane life-same old routine.I just hate the usual.But I feel so refreshed now given the short trip over the weekend.The hustle-bustle around the town was exclusively appealing.I just miss my people-the warmth,the chaat (indian spicy salad) sharing moment,the tiffs.We went to the Indian restaurants-sampled all the chats-Vada Pav, dabeli Pav,Mango Lassi,Paani Puri,Dahi Puri,Samosa Chaat,Palak Panner,Kaali Daal,Chole,etc.We drove down all the way to go to Atlantic City and stopped by King of Prussia-the fashion capital of Pennyslvania just to catch up a movie at IMax;saw "Taken" and "Friday:the 13th".Taken was good,Friday was rather on the boring side .Couldn't have enough of the fun.

We all have our good times with our friends,family and special ones.But then instead of just feeling the empty feeling in our lives after those moments pass away,we can very well cherish those moments,capture the memories and look forward to having some more good memories in the future.

I know I spend my weekday thinking about the weekend.But sometimes looking forward to something gives you such an immense pleasure.

Lesson through the weekend: You don't always need the special someone to spend your Valentine's day with.All you need is someone who cares.Just a smile that you can get is the best gift one can ask for.Don't keep thinking of how you miss the good times and worrying about parting with a loved one.Instead just feel the times you got to spend with your loved one and feel happy about it.There are people out there who didn't get to spend the day with the ones they love.You are special in your own special way.Don't let anyone say you need to change(except PD n PP,you guys need to stop taking so much time to get dressed;try to cut it down to a half hour).Love thyself and the world can go screw itself.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Valentines Day"

"Happy Valentines Day". I am aware of the fact that the day has already gone.But I am still living in the moment and liking it.I still haven't come out of my dreams.I woke up with a sour mood.Thanks to some highly eccentric people who don't value humanity and concern.Well, well I would rather think about the good times than the bad times;look at the positive aspects than the negative ones;care about my good friends than pay attention to the rotten bunch.

So back to my V-day- I was greeted with a huge hug,a sweet card and a gift. That was so thoughtful.Smiles.I was so taken aback by the surprise.Later that afternoon,I sent across a message across to all the people I know.Well there maybe some people who would have ignored it.But then I am assuming there are some people who would have appreciated it.I only did it for those people who cared, to the ones whom my message meant something.Now coming back to my V-day, I went out for lunch with a bunch of friends.And it was sweet.I mean really really sweet.All of us drove down to the "BIG APPLE", went cruising around the town for three long hours, had a hearty dinner.And then comes the real romantic deal.It was a trip to the the Empire State Building.I had a blast,going to this Irish pub,getting intoxicated and dancing my way through all night.I mean seriously all night.My night ended at the Hudson bay.Oh my my!What a night.

I just wanted to take some lines and thank all the people who I could talk to and wish them;I love you guys and you people really matter to me.And for my friends who I was with yesterday.Loves.You have been so bearing,you people have tolerated my arrogance and complaints all through these years.And hugs and loves to my Valentine,without whom the day would have been so screwed up.I just cant stop raving about it..

Hope people have been as fortunate as me to have their loved ones close to them on this day of love.If not, don't worry,there is always a next time.Trust me its always worth the wait..

Cheers to St. Valentine for giving us this lovely day.And remember its of course just a day but it gives you a golden chance to once again tell someone that you care..

Spread the love.



Friday, February 13, 2009

13th Feb

Last evening was absolutely fantastic.I had my all time favorite "Tofu-Broccoli" for dinner.But I couldn't concentrate on my book yesterday.My thoughts were so clouded.I just couldn't stop thinking about someone the whole of last night.I have been trying so hard not to and was almost successful in clearing him off of my mind.Let out the secret of who I was thinking of last night-The Cupid.But then again last night.I will let go of it soon. I was just wondering that the thoughts didn't have me pinning for him or having a heartache,it was more pleasant.I wish I had him close to me.I guess all the pre-Valentine's Day air is creating all this emotional stir in me. I just don't have a date for tomorrow. Sucks.Then again I didn't have anyone last years too.I just hate Saint Valentine so much now.

I just feel so peaceful this week.I dont worry so much about life anymore.Just trying to believe in destiny.And guys I went to the salon last evening,got my hair styled.I feel so nice about it.Like PD puts it,you should look good for your own self and not for any other.Thanks for that.

See you tommorow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb 12th

Yesterday was just a normal day. I have been feeling healthy after so long.My new book keeps me busy.Oh no, I aint writing anything.I have been reading this new novel-Seduction by Design by Sarah Brown.Its a good book and am half way through the book.But I am not becoming no 'Madame Bovary'. There is one thing about me though. I just cant stop being romantic however hard I try.But then again I don't expect a guy to say those magic words every minute or shout it out from a roof top. That is totally not my idea of romanticism.Romance to me is the feeling I get from my lover. To me the idea of having the most romantic time would be wrapped in his arms so tight, away from the world-say on a hill top or a lakeside, any place where its just him and me;and then not speak a word.The silence would be magical-truly truly romantic and highly seductive.

And now coming to the point.My lesson in life yesterday apart from the fact that I am kind of romantic and that my heart yearns love is that its never possible to stop loving someone.But that don't mean you keep begging them to like you as well.Just smile that you lived your life loving that person.If they didn't love you its their loss not yours.They never realized that they have lost on someone so precious..My suggestion to all the broken hearts in the world-Read,read whatever you like to for it keeps you busy for one and secondly in the end even if you didn't win your love's heart, you atleast gained knowledge.Hope that makes sense.

Signing off for now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday Again

Begins one more day in my life...

I just couldn't get to sleep last night. So many things running on my mind and things I don't want to think about. My mind so much contradicts me.I wish I could be unattached like so many people,so unemotional,so cold.Sometimes I wonder if those people would even care if something happened to me. Well I know they wouldn't. Emotions are a mere waste of time for them.

I have thus come to learn a bitter lesson in life-One should never trust anyone blindly.When someone says they care for you;don't buy it.Such people are just toying with your feelings.For them you are just a doll that can be played with when wanted and discarded when they are done with.With age comes experience and wisdom.So I guess I have learnt my lesson. But then I find it so hard to forgive people. I just cant even if I wanted to.I am just so emotional, attached to people I like,so unforgiving, my heart supersedes my thinking abilities.

Conclusion: Analyze people,put them to a hell lot of tests before you trust them blindly.And its hard to forgive people for their errs and let go of their thoughts.But you got to do it.If not your heart will never be able to find peace.Do it for yourself.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Diaries from My life

So here is my first entry in my official blog.

These days,everyday has been a learning process for me.Every morning brings into my life a new experience, a new understanding.Sometimes I just cant believe if its the same me living in this body. I have noticed that my temper is just settling down, my obsession about so many things are just biting dust. Obsession and desires don't make sense to me anymore; they feel more a waste of my time. Probably its just that I feel they don't top my list of priorities or have I all of a sudden become more patient.Aaah, I wish.

We are not born just to grow up,have a family and have a mundane life. Everyone in this universe is destined for something in particular, we are born not just to live but to learn and grow(intellectually).What have I learnt???Well the obvious answer to this is I don't really know.But then I have come to believe that everything happens for a reason and the reason is always for our own good. I have learnt - love yourself and accept yourself just the way you are.You don't have to be Marilyn Monroe to be a good person. Beauty is not just about your superficial being,its how good of a person you are.Men-those are just creatures that go by 'looks' and appearances. And what do women go for-Attitude followed by again 'looks'.Why?Why is so much importance given to looks? If someone is not wearing an Armani outfit doesn't mean that person doesn't deserve to live. And then again if someone is fat doesn't mean you treat the person like an animal. A fat person has the same set of bones,organs,cells,etc that a lean person has. And a ridicule on a person based on his appearance is the worst of its kind.

Anyway, some things never change.

Today I learnt that "Time just flies by so fast". We do not have as much time in our life as we think.I might die tomorrow or I might live a hundred years. But then what if I die tomorrow.There are so many things I want to accomplish in life.And most of the times, I just procrastinate.But then what If I go to sleep this night and just not wake up tomorrow.Then the task that I had delayed until the next day will never happen. High time to wake up to the reality of life and realize that I should start working on my goals seriously now.

More to come..........